Running Out of Gas

I apologize for the pause in new posts.  I celebrated my 75th birthday this past weekend, and my children and grandchildren were in town.  One thing is clear:  My kids are smarter and better parents than I was, and my grandkids are way smarter!  All are great!

My official birthday is not until August 20, but since this past weekend, I feel like I’ve made it when several of my friends haven’t.  I signed up for a prepaid funeral a few months ago, and last week I got a card for my wallet that reads, “In case of Death Call Berger Memorial Funeral Home.”  I’ll have to remember that.

On a slightly more serious matter, my wife Wendi and I were out for dinner and she said she needed to gas up the car because she was driving downtown the next day (a round trip of about 20 miles).  She wanted to gas up.  I looked over and noted that she had roughly 98 miles of gas left.  I told her she might as well just do it on her way in the morning, but she insisted.

I’ve noted that men are less concerned about running out of gas than women, and remembered that there was even a Seinfeld episode where Kramer tried to keep driving after the needle hit empty.  My research today shows that in fact men are more likely to run out of gas than women. 

On be website says: Research shows the number running out of petrol or diesel has risen every year since 2011, when the figure was a third lower.  Men made up most of the 827,000 who ignored the fuel warning light.

 What do you think?


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