I’ve avoided writing about Trump because almost everything that could be said about him, or his supporters, has been said.  I’ve been told that his most ardent supporters are Whites who fear being replaced (by Jews and immigrants) when preferences are given to people of color.  Maybe that’s true.

I have, though, become increasingly confident that he will lose, possibly resoundingly.  I don’t think he’ll try another coup.

I do have an occasional nightmare that Trump will dump Vance and pick Kennedy as his VP, and then Trump will leave the ticket for health reasons, giving a boost to the GOP because of Kennedy’s name recognition, which might sway some of the undecided.

What I do wonder is, what will happen to the GOP and his supporters in public office?  Will they wean themselves away from Trump?  Will he get off the National stage?  If he does lose, I hope that President Harris immediately grants him clemency (as opposed to a pardon).  I hope several governors do the same.

When Nixon lost the California governorship in 1962, after losing the presidency to Kennedy in 1960, he had a press conference that he began by observing that members of the press were “so delighted” that he had lost.  He went on to criticize the role played by the press in the election, and complained that he had been the victim of unfair news coverage.  (Sound familiar?)  In concluding his appearance, Nixon famously said:

“As I leave you, I want you to know, just think how much you’re going to be missing me.  You won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference.”

 It wasn’t his last press conference, as we all know, as he became the so-called New Nixon and beat Hubert Humphrey in 1968.  We not only need to beat Trump, but make sure that politically, we don’t have him to kick around anymore.  We would prefer that he enjoy a long, healthy life at Mara Lago.



