Some Random Thoughts

I’ve been thinking about all the places I’ve lived and to the best of my knowledge, it’s seventeen.  I’m only counting places to where I moved all my “stuff.”

The first is Patchogue, New York.  I was born in Manhattan, but my parents lived on Long Island because my father worked at Brookhaven National Laboratory.  From there it was to Boston and then Philadelphia, where we lived in a typical row house like the one in the Movie Rocky.  It was the only place I’ve ever felt antisemitism, although it was years after we moved that I realized what had happened.  The kids (about my age of four) on the block were virtually all Catholic and excluded me from their play groups.  We didn’t have a TV, and I wasn’t welcome in their homes to watch Howdy Doody.  One kid even hit me over the head with a hammer and I ended up in the hospital.

 From the row house, it was to a place in Northeast Philly, then suburban Philly.  Then, three different dorms in three years at Wash U in St. Louis, followed by two different apartments.  Then, two different apartments, and eventually, a house. 
Then, another apartment, then a house, then Wendi and I bought a house, which we owned for over 25 years.  Finally, we moved here, in suburban Clayton five years ago. 

 I’ve firmed up my final move, which I hope won’t be for a while, to the cemetery about a mile from here.  One thing I’m sure about is that I won’t be moving to “Del Boca Vista”!


An Ask and Some Other Things


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