Missouri’s Anti-Choice Minority

Missouri’s right-wing rural-controlled legislature led to Missouri being one of the first states to enact a complete abortion ban after the Dobbs case.  Missouri was once a blue state, but now it’s red.  The two big cities, St. Louis and Kansas City, and their suburbs are the economic engines of the state, providing benefits to the rural areas.  To a lesser extent, Springfield is the same.  All these cities are pro-choice and vote primarily for Democrats. In essence the liberals support the rural rubes through our taxes.

After the legislature passed the new abortion ban, a pro-choice group organized and spent millions to essentially insert the terms of Roe v. Wade in the Missouri Constitution.  It involved getting tens of thousands of signatures.  I was a notary for some of the gatherers.  We got twice as many as required because we knew the attorney General William Bailey, whom I have written about before, and Jay Ashcroft, the nepo baby Secretary of State, would try every trick in the book to keep it off the ballot.  The last straw was a move by a group of four people from the Thomas More Society who received an injunction from Judge Christopher Limbaugh (guess whose cousin) to keep the measure off the ballot just four days before the September 10 deadline for printing.  Then, Ashcroft threw his hat into the ring to stop the ballot initiative.

The Missouri Supreme Court  heard the case on an expedited basis and allowed the measure to be on the ballot by a narrow 4-3 vote.

 I’m tired of being dictated to by these rural rubes.  I’m also tired of subsidizing them through my taxes.   All liberals should immediately stop doing anything which funds any entity that is anti-choice.  By that I mean using or donating to hospitals like Cardinal Glennon Hospital for Children (which does otherwise good things), the St. Louis Variety Club which supports groups that “help” women with unplanned pregnancies by setting up phony abortion clinic sand any other group that is anti-choice.

Additionally two of the judges on the Missouri Supreme Court who voted to keep the matter off the ballot are up for retention on the non-partisan court plan vote in November. Please make sure to vote NOT to retain Judge Kelly Broniec and Judge Ginger Gooch and tell your Missouri friends to do likewise.


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An Ask and Some Other Things