Mis-Education at Orthodox Schools

The New York Times reported recently: 

 That Eighteen private schools run by the Hasidic Jewish community have been breaking the law by not providing their students with an adequate secular education, New York City officials said Friday.  

The findings were an extraordinary rebuke of the schools, known as yeshivas, which receive hundreds of millions of dollars in public money annually but have long resisted outside oversight.  


 Here in St. Louis I have asked our local Jewish Federation what it has done to ensure that our local religious day schools are providing secular educations.  The response from the head of the Federation was simply. “Nothing.”  Essentially, “not our job.”  I have also asked the State Department of Education to investigate, but have heard nothing.  Additionally the St. Jewish Light, our local newspaper, refused to print or cover anything about this outrage.

 The ultra-orthodox schools count on indoctrinating young children, especially boys, with religious dogma at the expense of secular subjects because doing so is the only way they can perpetrate their cultist offshoot of Judaism, which they falsely claim is the only authentic version.  

The problem in the East is complicated by the fact that the Haredi control local secular school boards and divert money to religious schools.  We have had an example of that here, when local Haredis forced a school board to sell a vacant building to them at below-market prices on pain of being labelled antisemites. 

 There is a rise in antisemitism in America.  Sometimes we need to look at some of our own people to find out why. 


What Goes Around Comes Around (and It’s Not Always a Bad Thing!)


Another One of Someone I Knew