Jewish Values
Rabbi Yonason Goldson is a St. Louis based ultra-orthodox rabbi (“Haredi”) who fashions himself as an expert on “Jewish Values”. He recently wrote an op-ed in the St. Louis Jewish Light on the subject. I have followed Rabbi Goldson because several years ago his daughter was in a musical at Esther Miller Bais-Yaakov Girls school. I heard it was an excellent performance but neither I nor Rabbi Goldson saw it because no men were permitted to watch the girls sing. Even their fathers! This ban was based on some interpretation of the Torah.
A decade ago he wrote a book Dawn to Destiny about the history of the Jews. Although he is a true believer in the historical accuracy of the Old Testament, he explains that that the premise of the “Oral Torah” which, he says, gives “certain intrinsic flexibility that would allow the Torah to adapt to new circumstances and situations without compromising its integrity.” This is a premise that I’ve never understood given the fact that the haredim continue to treat women as second-class citizens in today’s society where they are not only becoming the equal to men but surpassing them in accomplishments.
After reading Rabbi Goldson’s recent “pontification” on Jewish Values I wrote the following to the Light which declined to publish it:
Recently Rabbi Yonason Goldson wrote about “Jewish Values” in a Jewish Light op-ed.
However, his Jewish Values are different from mine and for that matter the majority of Israelis and Diaspora Jews.
Mine include respecting women Rabbis, ensuring that Jewish boys and girls receive equal and superior secular educations without segregating them and do not include arranged marriages. Mine do not forbid me from hearing my granddaughter sing.
Mine include respecting certain Jewish traditions but not Kapporot or Metizah B’Peh-(transferring one’s sins to a chicken on Yom Kippur by swinging it around one’s head or having a mohel suck the blood off a boy’s penis after a bris.)
Simply having a beard and wearing a black hat does not make one an expert on Jewish Values.
When will the Jewish majority cease surrendering the right to dictate Judaism’s principles to this small group who practice a form of Judaism invented in the early 19 th century?
I invite the Editors and Board of the Light or Rabbi Goldson to respond here.