A Rooster Clucks Defiant!

I was recently reminded of the old joke, "What's the difference between a rooster and a lawyer?" when I heard about attorney James Purdy's recent disciplinary proceeding. The answer is of course that a rooster "clucks defiant!" 

The joke popped into my working memory because of  disciplinary actions against Attorney Dan Purdy of Osceola, Missouri.  In September 2020, Purdy made sexual advances toward four clients in a Vernon County jail interview room, including touching and kissing, which were confirmed by video provided by the Vernon County Sheriff's Office.  Each woman was later interviewed by officers and told them Purdy's advances were unwanted. One described Purdy as a “little bit of a pervert.” 

In March 2021, courtroom video footage in St. Clair County showed Purdy touching a client's buttocks. That client submitted an affidavit that she believed Purdy didn't touch her inappropriately.  (Apparently, he was simply leaving his client’s behind.)

Later that year, Purdy was transporting a client in his vehicle, according to the opinion.  Video from the client's phone shows Purdy, while driving, reach across the seat and touch the client's breast under her blouse.  

On March 21, 2023, the Missouri Supreme Court declined to disbar him as was recommended by the Bar Committee. In a 4-3 majority opinion,  the Court suspended him with the right to apply for readmission in six months.  (I guess they thought he would stop being a pervert in six months.) 

Supreme Court Judge Zel Fischer, writing for the dissent, was outraged: 

"Purdy not only attempted to sexually assault female clients, he actually did so. Purdy's assaults happened multiple times with multiple clients in multiple situations over an extended period of time. 

There may have been a time when a temporary suspension was an adequate punishment for sexually assaulting or harassing a client, vulnerable or otherwise… but, in my view, that time is long gone."

One fact I left out was that Purdy is 86.  Yeech!



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Pardon Me for Being Unconsciously Misogynistic!